ONLINE, MEDIA Comments on the Olympics in London and their impact on communities

Vice Magazine’s ‘Guide to the Olympics,’ a 30-minute documentary (in four parts, starting here: ), offers, among other more sensationalist bits, interviews with residents of Carpenter’s Estate in the Borough of Newham, living on the ‘doorstep’ of the Games. The documentary also features author Iain Sinclair ( ), who argues that the Olympics …

Project: Digital American Bandstand

A digital project on American Bandstand is now online, featuring video clips, 100+ images and preview of my forthcoming book, _The Nicest Kids in Town: American Bandstand, Rock ‘n’ Roll, and the Struggle for Civil Rights in 1950s Philadelphia_ (University of California Press, American Crossroads series, Feb 2012). Digital project: Book website: Counter …

MEDIA: Documenting Livable Streets Worldwide About Streetfilms Streetfilms produces short films that show how smart transportation design and policy can result in better places to live, work and play. We package complicated and wonky concepts into easy to understand and accessible videos which are freely available online.  Our nearly 350 videos have been viewed over 3.5 million times and …

Documentary – Der Gruen Effekt (German)

Als aus Einkaufen Shoppen wurde, eine Doku über Victor Gruen, den Wiener Erfinder der Shopping Mall. Heute zu sehen auf ORF 2. Der Gruen Effekt Die Regisseurinnen Anette Baldauf und Katharina Weingartner auf den Spuren des Wiener Architekten Victor Gruen, dem Vater der Shopping Mall. Anette Baldauf ist heute zu Gast in Connected. Shoppen ist …