Dear Readers, Planum is glad to present you the 43rd Conference of the Urban Affairs Association: Building the 21st Century City: Inclusion, Innovation, and Globalization With special tracks on Media & Urban Life, and Urban Issues in Asia and the Pacific Rim
Category Archives: Newsletters
NEWSLETTER Planum Newsletter no. 4/2012 | July 2012
Dear Readers, With this newsletter Planum. The Journal of Urbanism is pleased to present magazine updates. Planum has recently updated its website and is hosting a growing and updated number of articles and list of contents. The following is a selection of the most interesting articles, latest events, news, book reviews and journal presentations that can be found on …
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Planum The Journal of Urbanism Newsletter July 2012 – Choice of planner’s study programs
Dear Readers, Planum. The Journal of Urbanism is pleased to present you a selection of Masters and Master of Science courses for the next accademic years, in Europe and in collaboration with extra-European Universities as well. Masters and MSc courses have been selected for their educational programmes and fields of studies, for the relevance of the hosting Universities and for their aims …
52nd Newsletter of the Georg-Simmel Center for Metropolitan Studies (Berlin)
Topics: *** “Austerity urbanism”: American cities under extreme economy (Jamie Peck) *** Think & Drink Colloquium ***12.-14.7. Conference City of flows *** 18.07. Interest and planning meeting – Study group Berlin-based scholars who share interests in cities and social theory *** GSZ-Graduate Studies Group *** ———– “Austerity urbanism”: American cities under extreme economy Austerity budgeting …
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NEWSLETTER Planum: The Journal of Urbanism, May 2012
Dear Readers, Planum. The Journal of Urbanism is pleased to present you a selection of Summer Schools and International Workshops for the forthcoming summer in Europe and all around the world. The workshops have been selected for their aims and items, and for a good balance between topics, places’ explorations and periods of work. Workshops are open …
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NEWSLETTER: 50th Newsletter of the Georg Simmel Center for Metropolitan Studies (Berlin)
Topics: Urban Governance and local Democracy in European Cities *** GSZ Think & Drink Colloquium *** Application Deadline 16.05.: International Forum “NGOs in Support of the World Heritage Properties” *** Deadline 15.05.: ONE Lab: “Future Cities Summer 2012” *** GSZ-Graduate Studies Group
42nd Newsletter of the Georg Simmel Center for Metropolitan Studies (Berlin)
Young Urban researchers at the Humboldt-University: Lossau und Lange: Julia Lossau has been an assistant professor of Cultural Geography at the Geographical Institute of the Humboldt-University since January 2006 ( One of her specialist areas is in the field of theoretical cultural studies of the cities, which concerns itself with relationships between society, power and …
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gsg_INFO 04 2010 | Stadtuntersuchungen
Der gsg_info letter widmet sich diesmal unterschiedlichen Formen der Stadtuntersuchung. Die Publikationen zeigen verschiedene Annäherungsweisen und eine methodische Varianz auf, die allerdings keineswegs beanspruchen, das Spektrum der Möglichkeiten von Stadtuntersuchungen ausfüllen. Das Buch Zone Heimat von Gerhard Vinken (2010) setzt sich mit der Altstadt als einer gedanklichen und baulichen Konstruktion auseinander. Dabei wird die These …
43rd Newsletter of the Georg Simmel Center for Metropolitan Studies (Berlin)
Georg Simmel and Current Urban Research: Georg Simmel was the initiator of socio-cultural urban studies with his essays on The Metropolis and Mental Life (1903). He is one of the founding fathers of urban sociology and an academic “godfather” of the Chicago School. In November 2008 the Georg-Simmel Center for Metropolitan Studies held a conference …
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32nd Newsletter of the Georg Simmel Center for Metropolitan Studies (Berlin)
The Future of the European City: Hardly any other term in urban development sounds quite as positive as the “European city“ and hardly any other notion in current urban planning discussions is used to such an inflationary degree. As the lowest common denominator this concept shows up wherever socially balanced, sustainable models for potential urban …
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