CfP, CONF Korea’s Place in the World: Now and Twenty Years Hence. British Association for Korean Studies (BAKS) University of London 17.11.2012 Deadline: 1.9.2012


British Association for Korean Studies (BAKS)
University of London
17 November, 2012

Deadline: 1 September, 2012

What is the future for the Korean peninsula, north and south, in the world of 2032? What are some major drivers of change that will create the Korea of 2032? What are possible scenarios for urbanisation and Korean cities?
How will an immersive digital environment affect Korean culture and economy? What will the grey shift mean for Korean society and infrastructure in 2032?

The British Association for Korean Studies will hold a Workshop at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, on 17 November 2012 on the topic of ‘Korea’s Place in the World: Now and Twenty Years Hence’. We invite paper presenters to turn their expertise to the future, particularly in the fields of urbanisation, demography, and the digital revolution, and consider Korea as a case study. We will favour proposals that address the impact of technology on society and social change, and papers from post-graduate students are particularly welcome. All full papers submitted will be considered for publication in the Papers
of the British Association for Korean Studies, after a peer review.

*Deadline for abstracts: 1 September 2012
Deadline for full papers: 1 November 2012 (for those with an intention
towards publication in BAKS Papers)

Contact for Workshop:
Dr. Owen Miller
SOAS, University of London /