Die Kritische Geographie Österreich

http://www.kritische-geographie.at Wer ist die Kritische Geographie? Der Verein “Kritische Geographie” ist eine sozialwissenschaftliche Gruppierung, die am Schnittpunkt von Wissenschaft, Schul- und Erwachsenenbildung eine kritische Analyse von Gesellschaft, ihrer Deutung und der Rechtfertigung bestehender Strukturen betreibt. Ziel ist es, durch die Förderung, Verbreitung und Durchsetzung von kritischer Wissenschaft zur fortschrittlichen Veränderung menschlicher Gesellschaft beizutragen: im Sinn …

Textarchiv der kritischen Geographie

http://kritischegeographie.de/ Im Textarchiv werden verschiedene Beiträge der kritischen Geographie zugänglich gemacht. In der Regel handelt es sich um deutschsprachige Zeitschriften, die in den 1970er Jahren publiziert wurde oder Werke, die nicht/nur sehr schwer auffindbar sind. Aktuelle Debatten zur kritischen Geographie findet ihr u.a. in den im Bereich “Links” dokumentierten Zeitschriften!

AK Kritische Geographie

http://criticalgeography.blogsport.de/ Geographie mal anders Die Suche nach emanzipatorischer Theorie und Praxis1 Die Geschichte der deutschen Geographie und ihrer Etablierung an Hochschulen und Schulen war eng mit staatlichen und wirtschaftlichen Interessen verbunden. Die Geographie zielte nicht nur auf wissenschaftlichem Erkenntnis- und Forschungsdrang, sondern war auch auf die Erziehung zum heimatliebenden Deutschen, auf die Erkundung ferner Territorien, …

COSMOPOLIS – City, Culture & Society

http://www.cosmopolis.be COSMOPOLIS is a transdisciplinary research centre in urban studies, which focuses on the relationship between city, culture and society. COSMOPOLIS is part of the Department of Geography at the Free University of Brussels and is responsible for a number of activities both at the level of academic education, academic networking and extra muros activities.

Tilburg University, Flemish Free University of Brussels, Estonian Academy of Arts, Manchester Metropolitan University

M.A. European Urban Cultures (Polis) http://polismaster.eu/ The M.A. European Urban Cultures (Polis) is a full time, postgraduate degree jointly developed by four European universities; the Tilburg University (Netherlands), the Flemish Free University of Brussels (Belgium), Estonian Academy of Arts (Tallinn, Estonia) and the Manchester Metropolitan University (UK). Polis offers a specialist programme aimed at graduate …

PhilaPlace Sharing Stories from the City of Neighbourhoods

http://www.philaplace.org PhilaPlace is an interactive Web site, created by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, that connects stories to places across time in Philadelphia’s neighborhoods. PhilaPlace weaves stories shared by ordinary people of all backgrounds with historical records to present an interpretive picture of the rich history, culture, and architecture of our neighborhoods, past and present. …

PUKAR Partners for urban knowledge, action & research

http://www.pukar.org.in PUKAR is an innovative and experimental initiative that aims to contribute to a global debate about urbanization and globalization. PUKAR takes Mumbai as its conceptual base and laboratory for cross-disciplinary research projects. PUKAR organizes seminars, workshops, talks and film screenings in English, Marathi and occasionally other Mumbai languages, and focuses specifically on producing a …

European Urban Knowledge Network

http://www.eukn.org The European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN) shares knowledge and experience on tackling urban issues. Seventeen EU Member States, EUROCITIES, the URBACT Programme and the European Commission participate in this European initiative. The EUKN Secretariat is housed at Nicis Institute in The Hague. On this website, you find all available information on the EUKN partners’ …

Summer School Metropolitan Studies at Georg Simmel Center, August 16-26 2010

http://www.international.hu-berlin.de/an_die_hu/studienbewerber/stipendien/evz/sommer-winter-unis/sommeruniversitat/metrostudies/index_html What makes a city a city? – Berlin between urbanity, fragmentation and micro-topias From August 16-26, for the third year running, the Summer School “Metropolitan Studies“ will take place at the Georg Simmel Center. Entitled “What makes a city a city? Berlin between urbanity, fragmentation and micro-topias” the Summer School wants to explore the …

Georg Simmel Center for Metropolitan Studies (GSZ)

http://www.g-s-zentrum.de The Georg-Simmel Center of the Humboldt-University of Berlin is intended to bring together the numerous scientific competencies of the various areas of expertise which deal with the large city and the metropolis. It encourages the pursuance of comprehensive research and teachings across the various disciplines and faculties. Currently 26 professors participate.