Darmstadt University

Urban Studies (MSc)


The urban studies program at Darmstadt university was launched in April 2007. It offers a number of different study opportunities to prepare the participants to meet the new challenges resulting from advancing globalization and the need for participatory governance, poverty reduction and interdisciplinary networking. The courses are innovative through its modular structure and its faculty composed of the best experts and academics available worldwide.

The umbrella of the different course options is the 2-years master’s course  ‘International Cooperation and Urban Development’  which awards an advanced diploma. Students who are not available for the full period may obtain a diploma certificate after one year, or a specialization certificate for individual modules that take one or two weeks.

Further postgraduate options include a PhD diploma and tailor made training courses in the field of urban development planning and housing.

The MSc. course starts every year in October.  Applications are being accepted any time  until June, 15th of the same year.  In order to be considered in the first selection round, applications should arrive before 1st of December of the year before. For extension of the deadline  please contact  Mrs. Lauren Hammond. Please note that the German Embassy requests a pre-selection procedure in some countries  (i.e. in Vietnam, China)  for which the deadline is in May. Interested persons may either make use of the application form contained in this web site or write to  PAR.

From October 2009 onwards, this Masters course will simultaneously be taught at the Vietnamese-German University in Saigon (VGU). This makes it possible for students from the Darmstadt course to attend the same classes in Vietnam for one semester or less.

Since 2008, ‘International Cooperation and Urban Development’ is part of the ERASMUS MUNDUS program – the Higher Education program of excellency of the European Commission. For details see www.mundus-urbano.eu. This programme combines the Darmstadt ‘urban-studies’ program with different specialization options in Rome, Barcelona or Grenoble and grants a double degree at the end of the two years course.

Please also consult our other web pages




Sommerschule 25. – 29. Juli 2010 Diskurs und Raum in Erlangen

Humangeographische Sommerschulen Gesellschaft und Raum


Die Vorstellung gegebener Räume wird seit einigen Jahren in der Humangeographie aber auch in zahlreichen benachbarten Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften hinterfragt.

Nicht zuletzt mit dem cultural turn in der Geographie und dem spatial turn in den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften werden Konzepte diskutiert, die sich für die diskursive Herstellung und Reproduktion von Räumen bzw. von Regionalisierungen interessieren.
Die Sommerschule „Diskurs und Raum“ bietet DoktorandInnen und fortgeschrittenen Studierenden der Geographie und benachbarter Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften eine Einführung in Theorien der raumorientierten Diskursforschung, führt in Ansätze der empirischen Operationalisierung ein und gibt Hilfestellungen für die Konzeption eigener Forschungsprojekte. Getragen wird die Sommerschule von einer Gruppe DiskursforscherInnen, die seit mehreren Jahren im Wissenschaftsnetz „Diskursforschung in der Humangeographie“ kooperieren und die 2009 gemeinsam das Handbuch „Diskurs und Raum“ herausgegeben haben.

University College London

Urban Studies (MSc)


This unique course is a collaboration between four UCL faculties (the Bartlett; Arts and Humanities; Engineering; and Social and Historical Sciences).  Students take two core modules in “Urban imaginations” and “City, space and power” and then choose further courses from over twenty optional modules ranging from research training (for the dissertation) to specialist modules such as “Creative cities”, “Spatial planning”, “Urban design”, “Asian cities in a globalizing South”, “Italian cinema and the city”, and “Post-colonial theory and the multicultural city.” This advanced interdisciplinary programme is aimed at two main groups of students:  first, students from a professional background who wish to take an opportunity for critical reflection and skills enhancement for their career development; and second, students who wish to consider embarking on a research career in the urban field and see the MSc as a useful first step towards independent writing and research at PhD or postdoctoral level. Entry requirements are the equivalent of a first or upper-second class degree. Full time, part time and flexible study options are available.

Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam

Urban Studies (MSc)


In the academic year 2010-2011 the Master’s programme Urban Studies will cease to exist.
Instead, within the Urban Studies domain students can choose for

  • the track Urban Sociology as part of the regular Master’s programme Sociology;
  • or for the track Urban Geography as part of the regular Master’s programme Human Geography;
  • or for the Master Urban and Regional Planning.
  • Besides, students can apply for the Research Master Metropolitan Studies if they comply with the specific requirements.

Refer to
Urban Sociology (see Stadssociologie)
Human Geography (see track Urban Geography)
Urban and Regional Planning (Planologie)
Metropolitan Studies

UNICA Euromaster in Urban Studies



The urban Millenia has arrived. Now the majority of the world’s population lives in cities. Urban culture is reshaping the world. Urbanisation and globalization are two sides of the same coin

4CITIES is a two-year interdisciplinary master’s programme in urban studies, organised within UNICA, the Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe, financially supported by the European Commission

4CITIES incorporates sociology, geography, history, cultural studies, and humanistic urban studies

4CITIES will present you with ways of analyzing and understanding the specific character of cities. Thus, it will prepare you to participate in the resolving of urban problems and the invention of new strategies to describe and address the process of globalization

4CITIES offers you the possibility to study on location, to go from capital to capital as a group, starting in Brussels, moving on to Vienna, then Copenhagen, and finishing the programme with an intensive course in Madrid. Fieldtrips to other cities are part of the curriculum during each stay

4CITIES requires that you take your exams at the end of each semester. The majority of the final semester will be situated at the location of your own choice, relevant to your work in your master’s thesis

4CITIES opens your possibilities for you to work on urban problems in both the private or public sector. Potential job fields are: urban policy advising, project management, planning, research, teaching, and media

Registration is now open for 2010-2012. For more information on applications, please click  here

Mailinglist H-Urban


H-URBAN is a moderated, multi-disciplinary forum for discussion and dissemination of scholarship on urban history and urban studies. As a member of H-NET (Humanities and Social Sciences OnLine), H-Urban has no geographical or chronological boundaries. Thus, it welcomes the involvement of scholars, professionals, and graduate students who are interested in urban places and processes across the globe and in all eras.