(In)Flexible Cities (The Cambridge CRASSH City Seminar) meets on Tuesdays (4 times per term) at the new CRASSH Building (7 West Road, Sidgwick Site, Cambridge) from 5pm until 7pm. All are welcome.
Program: (In)Flexible Cities
Cities are as immobile as they are restless. Revolutions, disasters and visionary masterplans can transform cities, but they can also leave urban fabrics practically untouched. Events of the past year alone have made plain the extent to which dramatic change and stubborn continuity constitute interdependent urban phenomena. In 2011/2012, the City Seminar combines disciplinary perspectives, intellectual themes and geographical areas to examine the relationships and tensions between flux and stasis in the city.
For more information and recordings of previous meetings, please see our blog:
Kinshasa on Film: Between Dystopia and Utopia http://www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/events/1955/
Tuesday, 31 Jan 2012
Filip De Boeck (KU Leuven) and Koen Van Synghel . Part of the City Seminar series. NB: This event will begin at 4.15pm
Wounded Cities http://www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/events/1883/
Tuesday, 7 Feb 2012
Dr Karen E. Till (National University of Ireland).
Urban Reflections – Filmic Narratives of Place, Planning and Change http://www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/events/1884/
Tuesday, 21 Feb 2012
Mark Tewdwr-Jones (UCL Bartlett)
Telescopic Urbanism
Tuesday, 6 Mar 2012
Prof Ash Amin (Cambridge)