PANEL SEARCH: GRASSROOTS ACTIVISM AND THE INNER CITY, Urban History Association (UHA) New York 26.-28.10.12. Deadline: 17.02.12


Urban History Association (UHA)
New York City, NY
26-28 October, 2012

Deadline: 20 February, 2012

I am looking to form a panel for the Urban History Association
Conference in October on the history of how grassroots activism changed in
the inner city in the 1980s. Broadly speaking, the papers on this panel
examine how and by what methods ordinary citizens have sought to address
urban issues.

My own work examines the relationships and the obstacles that emerged
between inner city and suburban Catholics from the “Sharing” program in
the Archdiocese of Chicago in the 1980s. If you are interested, please
e-mail me off-list ( with a description of your topic
by Monday, February 20th.

Kevin Ryan
PhD Candidate
Department of History
University of Buffalo