I am seeking papers for a proposed panel on the New Deal Metropolis at the Urban History Association conference in New York City from October 26-28, 2012.
Although the New Deal period is most often framed in the popular imagination by images of rural life and landscapes produced by FSA photographers and WPA muralists, a host of writers, artists, architects, city planners, and politicians were busy reimagining and redeveloping the industrial city. Not only did these urban intellectuals lay the theoretical and practical foundations upon which the physical, economic, and social landscape at the city’s core would be rebuilt in subsequent years, but they also sought to reconfigure the physical, economic, and social relationship between the city and its surrounding environs. That is to say, New Deal legislation and programs—and the cultural activity that drove and responded to these political endeavors—played an important role in shaping the modern metropolis. This panel seeks papers that explore the rise and persistence of the New Deal metropolis.
Please submit a one-page paper abstract and a one-to-two-page cv to Jamin Rowan ( jamin_rowan@byu.edu ) no later than March 12.
Jamin Rowan
Department of English
Brigham Young University