derive – Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung (german) dérive – Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung erscheint seit Sommer 2000 vierteljährlich in Wien und versteht sich als interdisziplinäre Plattform zum Thema Stadtforschung. Die behandelten Felder reichen von Architektur, Stadt- und Landschaftsplanung, Raumordnung und Bildender Kunst bis zu Geographie, Soziologie, Politik- und Medienwissenschaften und Philosophie. Thematisiert werden globale Problemstellungen, die im lokalen Rahmen behandelt werden und …

Blogcloud Urbanistikae URBANISTIKA.EE is a cloud of blogs that debate different areas dealing with urban issues. Its aim is to become an open discussion agora for all who are interested in cities and their future, while dealing with subjects such as urban planning, architecture, activism, urban studies, writings about cities, neighbourhood analyses and specific cities, as …

Documentary – Der Gruen Effekt (German)

Als aus Einkaufen Shoppen wurde, eine Doku über Victor Gruen, den Wiener Erfinder der Shopping Mall. Heute zu sehen auf ORF 2. Der Gruen Effekt Die Regisseurinnen Anette Baldauf und Katharina Weingartner auf den Spuren des Wiener Architekten Victor Gruen, dem Vater der Shopping Mall. Anette Baldauf ist heute zu Gast in Connected. Shoppen ist …

International Network for Urban Research and Action The International Network for Urban Research and Action INURA is a network of people involved in action and research in localities and cities. The Network consists of activists and researchers from community and environmental groups, universities, and local administrations, who wish to share experiences and to participate in common research. Examples of the issues …

European Architectural History Network EAHN MISSION STATEMENT The European Architectural History Network supports research and education by providing a public forum for the dissemination of knowledge about the histories of architecture. Based in Europe, it serves architectural historians and scholars in allied fields without restriction on their areas of study. The network seeks to overcome limitations imposed by …

Portrait of the City. Framing the significance of historic urban landscapes International Conference, Dublin Castle, 9th-10th-11th December 2010 The School of Architecture, Landscape and Civil Engineering, University College Dublin, in collaboration with the Office of Public Works will host a multi-disciplinary international conference to explore the significance of cities, their constructed heritage, and the manner in which both the city and its heritage are framed …

Konferenz “This Town Is Gonna Blow…” European Protest Movements and Society in the 1980s May 6-8, 2010: Thirty years after the Bremen “Bundeswehrkrawalle” European protest movements of the 1980s will be the subject of an international academic conference On May 6th 1980, a group of new recruits was publicly sworn in with the German Bundeswehr in the Bremen soccer stadium. As a reaction, street battles of hitherto unknown …

Summer school “History Takes Place – Urban Change in Europe”, Paris Since 2003 the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius has invited up to twenty young historians and social scientists (usually postgraduate students) annually to take part in studies programmes in various locations. The aim is to find the traces of history in the topography, architecture and monuments of the place. The city itself is ‘read’ …

EUROCITIES EUROCITIES is the network of major European cities. We bring together the local governments of more than 140 large cities in over 30 European countries. We influence and work with the EU institutions to respond to common issues that impact the day-to-day lives of Europeans.  Our aim is to shape the opinions of stakeholders …

metroZones Center for Urban Affairs Zentrum für städtische Angelegenheiten Centro para asuntos urbanos metroZones e.V. Zentrum für städtische Angelegenheiten hat sich 2007 als unabhängiger Verein gegründet, um an der Schnittstelle von Kunst, Wissenschaft und Politik verschiedene Ansätze der Forschung, Wissensproduktion, Kulturpraxen und politischen Interventionen zu kombinieren und öffentlich zu thematisieren. Dabei setzen wir auf internationale, interdisziplinäre und institutionelle Kooperationen. Die Expertise von metroZones speist sich aus der …