Call for Papers ARCHITECTURAL ELECTIVE AFFINITIES correspondences, transfers, inter/multidisciplinarity EAHN / FAUUSP – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo 20-24 March 2013 São Paulo/Brazil We are pleased to announce the EAHN /FAUUSP conference, to be held between March 21th and 24th 2013 in Sao Paolo, at FAUUSP (Faculdade de Arquitetura e …
Category Archives: Call for Papers
CfP Korea’s Place in the World: Now and Twenty Years Hence, Workshop. London. Deadline: 01.09.12
Korea’s Place in the World: Now and Twenty Years Hence CALL FOR PAPERS BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR KOREAN STUDIES What is the future for the Korean peninsula, north and south, in the world of 2032? What are some major drivers of change that will create the Korea of 2032? What are possible scenarios for urbanisation and …
CfP URBAN VIOLENCE IN THE MIDDLE EAST New Histories of Place and Event, University of London. 13.-15.02.13
URBAN VIOLENCE IN THE MIDDLE EAST New Histories of Place and Event School of Oriental and African Studies University of London 13th-15th February 2013 Theme and Scope As part of an AHRC/DFG-funded Anglo-German research project on the history of urban violence in the modern Middle East, this international conference seeks to develop new discussions on …
CfP, CONF: EURA Conference 2012 “Urban Europe – Challenges to Meet the Urban Future”, Vienna, Austria. 20.-22.09.12. Deadline: 17.03.12 “Urban Europe – Challenges to Meet the Urban Future” – is the topic of the next conference of the European Urban Research Association organized by the Department of Spatial Development, Infrastructure and Environmental Planning, Vienna University of Technology. The conference will be held at Vienna University of Technology from 20th to 22nd of September …
CfP,CONF: The Rural Urban Relationship – 7th World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC) Marrakech, Morocco. 9.-14.06.2013
THE RURAL URBAN RELATIONSHIP – 7th World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC) Marrakech, Morocco 9-14 June, 2013 Previous WEEC congresses have taken place in Portugal, Brazil, Italy, South. This is the first time the conference will take place in a country of Arab and Muslim culture. Morocco, among other things, is in a state of …
CfP, CONF: COMMUNITY SPACES: CONCEPTION – APPROPRIATION – IDENTITY Network 45plus: Post-War Architecture in Europe. Darmstadt, Germany, 7.-8.09.12. Deadline: 22.04.12
COMMUNITY SPACES: CONCEPTION – APPROPRIATION – IDENTITY Network 45plus: Post-War Architecture in Europe Darmstadt, Germany, September 7-8, 2012. Deadline: 22 April, 2012 Large housing estates of the post-war era have shaped the face of many cities throughout Europe. In the original plans of the 1950s-1980s they were to amend the urban structure and in many …
CONFERENCE, CfP: “Political Communication on the Spot” Democratic Cultures and the Local in Europe 1870-1990. 04.-06.04.13. Deadline: 31.03.12.
Politische Kommunikation vor Ort. Demokratische Kulturen und lokaler Raum in Europa 1870-1990 / Political Communication on the Spot. Democratic Cultures and the Local in Europe 1870-1990 Berlin, April 4 – April 6, 2013. Prof. Dr. Thomas Mergel / Claudia Christiane Gatzka M.A. / Benjamin Schröder M.A., Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Deadline: March 31, …
WORKSHOP, CfP: Imaginations of the street European Capital of Culture events and the right to the city, Munich, 03.-04.05.12. Deadline: 11.03.12
Imaginations of the street European Capital of Culture events and the right to the city Workshop, 3-4 May 2012 Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Organized by Dr. Derya Özkan, Vildan Seçkiner (M.A.) Deadline: 11 March 2012 This workshop is organized as part of the Emmy Noether Research Project “Changing Imaginations …
CfP, PANELSEARCH: New Deal Metropolis, Urban History Association conference, New York, 26.-28.10.2012
I am seeking papers for a proposed panel on the New Deal Metropolis at the Urban History Association conference in New York City from October 26-28, 2012. Although the New Deal period is most often framed in the popular imagination by images of rural life and landscapes produced by FSA photographers and WPA muralists, a …
CfP, CONF: 9th International Architectural Humanities Research Association Conference Architecture and the Paradox of Dissidence, London Metropolitan University, 15.-17.11.12.
Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Design This conference aims to reflect on the relevance of the concept of dissidence for architectural practice today. Although dissidence has been primarily associated with architectural practices in the Eastern Bloc at the end of the Cold War period, contemporary architectural and other aesthetic practices have in recent years developed …