From: Aysenur Ipek Türeli _International Journal of Islamic Architecture (IJIA)_ Thematic volume planned for January 2013 Streets of Protest: The Politics of Public Space Deadline for submissions: 15 March 2012,id=204/ The diverse ways individuals and groups contest and remake public space is of interest to the field of architecture, especially at this moment of …
Category Archives: Call for Papers
CfP: Peripheral Modernisms International Conference 23.03.2012, London
CALL FOR PAPERS: Peripheral Modernisms International Conference 23 March 2012 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London The last decade has witnessed renewed scholarly interest in modernist and avant-garde studies. The study of Modernism as a global phenomenon and the exploration of the links between modernity and postcoloniality constitute …
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CFP: Kontrolle des urbanen Raumes: Akteure. Strategien. Topographien – Berlin 06/11
Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin29.06.2011-01.07.2011, Grimm-Zentrum, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 3 Deadline: 31.03.2011 Trotz medialer Kommunikationsverdichtung gewinnt “Öffentlichkeit als räumliche Vorstellung” zunehmend an Bedeutung. Diese Räumlichkeit dient individualisierten Gesellschaften als Bühne bzw. Repräsentation von Sicherung und Zuordnung. Diese Bühnen bzw. Repräsentationen sind aber besetzt (policy of identity) und kontrolliert (gouvernance). Durch moderne Technologien und neue …
CfP Deadline: 01.11.2010 The Third Graduate Student Conference on the History of American Capitalism: “Capitalism in Action”
From: Jeremy Zallen <> This is a reminder that submissions for The Third Graduate Student Conference on the History of American Capitalism are due November 1, 2010. Interested graduate students should email a 750-word abstract and a C.V. to For additional details, please see below. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************** Please help circulate to interested colleagues and students: …