Special Issue: Architecture, Evidence and Evidentiality _Architectural Theory Review _(to be published as Volume 18, Number 1, March 2013) Edited by William Taylor, Andrew Leach & Lee Stickells Deadline: 17 September, 2012 Conceptually, evidence differs from material, matter and content for its relationship with a problem. Evidence offers proof in support of a position, a …
Tag Archives: architecture
CfP: The 8th Savannah Symposium: MODERNITIES ACROSS TIME AND SPACE. Savannah, USA. 7.-9.2.2013. Deadline: 15.7.2012
The 8th Savannah Symposium: MODERNITIES ACROSS TIME AND SPACE February 7-9, 2013 http://architecturalhistoryscad.wordpress.com/symposium-series/8th-savannah-symposium/ Keynote Speakers: Mark Jarzombek, MIT and Dell Upton, UCLA The art historian T. J. Clark spoke for many scholars when he declared that modernity marked a special historical transition when “the pursuit of a projected future – of goods, pleasures, freedoms, forms …
EVENT: 4. Budapest Architecture Film Days, Kino cinema, Budapest, Hungary. 29.03.-01.04.2012.
http://kek.org.hu/filmnapok/en/ On 29th March – 1st April 2012, the KÉK – Contemporary Architecture Centre organizes the Budapest Architecture Film Days for the fourth time, in Kino cinema. The mission of the Architecture Film Days, inspired by the Rotterdam Architecture Film Festival, and initiated by KÉK in 2007, is to generate a dialogue between architectural practice …
Call for Articles: Special Issue of Iranian Studies Journal: Revisiting the Historiography: New Approaches to the Study of Persian Architecture, Deadline: 30.03.12
Special Issue of Iranian Studies Journal Revisiting the Historiography: New Approaches to the Study of Persian Architecture www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/00210862.asp Guest-editor: Dr. Mohammad Gharipour Deadline: March 30, 2012 Initiated in the nineteenth century, the study of Persian architecture was advanced by such twentieth-century archeologists and Iranologists as Arthur Upham Pope, Ernst Herzfeld, Andre Godard, Roman Ghirshman, and …
Call for Manuscripts: _Places_
_Places_ is an interdisciplinary journal of architecture, landscape and urbanism, published online in partnership with the Design Observer Group, the leading website for news and commentary on design and social change. As we broaden our scope to include more narrative nonfiction, we are reaching out to colleagues in allied fields — including geography, history, ecology, …