NETWORK PUKAR Partners for Urban Knowledge, Action and Research Mission PUKAR is an independent research collective and an urban knowledge production center that provides a platform for cross disciplinary, multi-sectoral, community based research for issues related to urbanization and globalization. PUKAR aims to democratize research and broaden access to knowledge among disenfranchised or weakly institutionalized groups and to create a space from which …

INTERVIEW “City Life: Dichotomies in an Urbanizing India”: Q&A with Ananya Roy

“City Life: Dichotomies in an Urbanizing India”: Q&A with Ananya Roy According to the 2011 census, India’s urban growth has surpassed rural growth for the first time in 90 years. This population shift from rural to urban areas underscores the impact of globalized economic progress on Indian society and highlights socio-economic differences. Consequently, urbanization has …

PhD “Small Cities, Urban Environments and Governance in India”. Deadline: 30.6.2012 Faculté des géosciences et de l’environnement The Institute of Geography invites applications for a position of a PhD Student Entrée en fonction: 01.10.2012 Durée du contrat: One year, renewable once for 2 years (max. 3 years) Taux d’activité: 100 % Profil souhaité: Master’s degree in geography, development studies or a related discipline or field …