Conf: 7. Treffen des Nachwuchsnetzwerks “Stadt Raum Architektur” – “Mythos Methodologie. Empirische Forschung zu Stadt, Raum, Architektur” 30.-31.03.12 Weimar (dt)

Stephan Barthel, Eva-Christina Edinger, Hermann Köhler, Ralph Richter, Achim Schröer, René Seyfarth 30.03.2012-31.03.2012, Weimar Deadline: 15.01.2012 7. Treffen des Nachwuchsnetzwerks “Stadt Raum Architektur” “Als Gregor schon zur Hälfte aus dem Bette ragte – die neue Methode war mehr ein Spiel als eine Anstrengung, er brauchte immer nur ruckweise zu schaukeln -, fiel ihm ein, wie …

Conf: Hier und dort: Ressourcen und Verwundbarkeiten in der multilokalen Lebenswelt / Ici et là : Ressources et vulnérabilités de la vie multilocale – Uni Basel 17.-19.05.12 (dt / fr)

Cédric Duchêne-Lacroix, Institut für Soziologie, Universität Basel; Pascal Maeder, Historisches Seminar, Universität Basel 17.05.2012-19.05.2012, Basel, Universität Basel Deadline: 22.12.2011 – texte français ci-dessous – Multilokale Lebensformen gewinnen zusehends an Bedeutung: transnationale MigrantInnen, WochenaufenthalterInnen, Scheidungskinder, die über zwei Heime verfügen, ZweitwohnbesitzerInnen oder auch getrennt lebende Lebensgemeinschaften, sie alle leben und/oder arbeiten über kurz oder lang an …

Conf: EAHN European Architectural History Network. 2nd International Meeting Brussels 31.05.-03.06.12

Conference website European Architectural History Network 31.05.2012-03.06.2012, Brussels, Palais des Académies The European Architectural History Network (EAHN) invites paper proposals for the twenty-three thematic sessions and four roundtable panels to be presented at its Second International Meeting. Sessions and roundtables will cover architecture of all periods, from antiquity, medieval, and early modern, up through the …

Conf: ISSUES OF LEGITIMACY: Entrepreneurial Culture, Corporate Responsibility and Urban Development Naples,Italy, 04.-08.09.12

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: ISSUES OF LEGITIMACY: Entrepreneurial Culture, Corporate Responsibility and Urban Development Naples,Italy, 4-8 September 2012 Convened by: IUAES Commissions on Urban Anthropology and on Enterprise Anthropology Withthe Collaboration of: University of Naples Federico II; University of Naples 2; Media Group Il Denaro; Brazilian Anthropological Association; Centro de Investigationes y Estudios Superiores en Antropologia Social, …

Conf: Urban History Group Annual Conference “The Living and Liveable City: Health, Lifestyle and Sustainability” St Catherine’s College Oxford 29.-30.03.2012

Urban History Group Annual Conference 29-30 March 2012 St Catherine’s College Oxford The Living and Liveable City: Health, Lifestyle and Sustainability The city has long stood as a model for the organisation and reform of human life. People have historically been attracted (and, for large periods, repulsed) by the opportunities offered by urban living because …

Conf & CfP: QUESTIONING URBAN MODERNITY 18.05.12, University of Amsterdam CfP Deadline: 10.02.12

QUESTIONING URBAN MODERNITY May 18, 2012, University of Amsterdam Deadline: 10 February, 2012 Keynote Speaker: Prof. Jennifer Robinson (Department of Geography, University College London) It is widely accepted that our understanding of contemporary city life is based primarily on the tradition of western conceptualizations of modernity, dating back to the turn of the twentieth …

CfP, Conference: THE COSMOPOLITAN METROPOLIS Sixth Biennial Urban History Association (UHA) Conference New York City 26.-28.10.12 CfP Deadline: 15.03.12

THE COSMOPOLITAN METROPOLIS Sixth Biennial Urban History Association (UHA) Conference New York City October 26-28, 2012 Call for papers: The Program Committee seeks submissions for panels, roundtable discussions, and individual papers on all aspects of urban, suburban, and metropolitan history for the Sixth Biennial Urban History Conference in New York City on October 26-28, …

“Rights, Responsibilities and Equity in Land Use Planning” 7.-10.02.12 Belfast, Northern Ireland The conference theme addresses the principal agendas for contemporary statutory land use planning with respect to the definition, exchange and enforcement of property rights. The sessions will provide an opportunity for scholars from around the world to present innovative research and engage in informed, interdisciplinary debates relating to the broad themes of the Association …

So isst die Stadt. Esskultur und die Eigenlogik der Städte, 06.-07.05.2011, TU Darmstadt (German)

In Frankfurt isst man anders als in Marseille oder Kopenhagen. Können Städte also darüber charakterisiert werden, was und wie man in ihnen isst und trinkt? Ausgehend von der These, dass Städte eigenlogische Formen der Vergesellschaftung hervorbringen, soll auf der Konferenz der Frage nachgegangen werden, wie sich das Spezifische einer Stadt in ihren Geschmack und ihre …

Conference Report: The Economy of Urban Diversity

Working group “Economy” der Global Young Faculty 13.01.2011-15.01.2011, Essen Report by: David Passig, Historisches Institut der Universität Duisburg-Essen E-Mail: <> “The economy of urban diversity” – this was the main topic dealt with by an international symposium in Essen from January 13th to 15th, 2011. It was arranged by the members of the working group …